The biggest motorcycle & tattoo pop-up expo

About the event

Ink & Iron Joburg Ink & Iron Joburg
The City of Gold

Johannesburg, South Africa's biggest city and capital of Gauteng province, began as a 19th-century gold-mining settlement. Its sprawling Soweto township was once home to Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu.


1 March 2025


The Garrison

145 Main Reef Road, Boksburg, South Africa

Tickets & Registration

Tickets coming soon

See what Ink & Iron has to offer

KTM Dealer showrooms
Dealer showrooms

View a wide range of motorcycles & cars on display at the dealer showrooms. Ducati, Honda, KTM, BMW are a few dealers to name a few.

Bike Accessories
Accessories for days!

Browse through the largest catalogue of accessories available for cars and bikes. From helmets to boots there is something for everyone.

Custom Bike
Custom everything

If you appreciate the art of custom bikes and cars then Ink & Iron is the place to be. From the craziest paint jobs to completely custom builds.

Live Entertainment
Stay entertained

Let's be honest what's a party without music? This year we have several top artists which will keep you rock n rollin the entire day!

Food Stall
Indulge yourself

With everything else going on at the event we will offer the widest range of craft beers, drinks and some of the best food you've ever tasted.

Bike Tricks
Evil Kenieval's back

If you're an adrenaline junky come join us as the professionals show us the craziest tricks, stunts and know-how's.

We'd love to hear
from you

We're all about meeting new people. If you have any questions or just want to say hi pop us a message.

Send us an email
Biker driving bike on road


Yes! Ink and Iron is an open event to everyone out there with a passion for biking, cars, tattoos and likes listening to good music . Whether you drive in a club, ride alone or don't even own a motorcycle you're still welcome!

Our goal is to bring Ink & Iron to as many people as possible. That is why we will be hosting 3 events this year. Starting in Joburg then moving on to Durban and finally our last stop is in the mother city, Cape Town.

Yes people of all ages are allowed to come and enjoy Ink & Iron. Some areas like the smoking and bar sections is strictly only available to 18 and over

To register as a vendor / trader visit our registration page. Register as a vendor
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